Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday, 10-20-13 Results

Three person game and a lot of fun.

John  2
Rich  2
Steve 1

HR's:  John 2 (first 2 pitches of the day), Rich 1, Steve 1

Home Run Leader Board - updated 10-20-13
John - 14
Steve M - 11
Rich D. - 9
Daryl - 5
Rick G. - 4
Steve (John's Dad) - 3
Joe - 3
Bill L. - 2
David - 2
Russ - 1
Chuck - 1
Ben - 1

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sunday, 10-13-13-Results

The Batters were locked in today and with a friendly wind balls were flying out of the park.  A few unamed sources were heard 'muttering' about the favorable right field breeze but there is not a whole lot to it.

Final Score:
Steve M - 11
Rich - 9
John - 9
Steve (John's Dad) - 7

Steve - 5
Rich - 4
John - 2
Steve (John's Dad) - 2

 Home Run Leader Board - updated 10-13-13
John - 12
Steve M - 10
Rich D. - 8
Daryl - 5
Rick G. - 4
Steve (John's Dad) - 3
Joe - 3
Bill L. - 2
David - 2
Russ - 1
Chuck - 1
Ben - 1

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Friday, 10-11-13 Results

Honey Creek Field welcomed another Father/Son to the park as John brought his father with him.  While it was his first ever wiffle ball game think: Duck to Water.  Like his son, an amazing fielder who made a variety of circus catchers throughout the evening.  Even went yard, once.

John experiences the yin and yang of baseball  as he broke the home record with his blast to centerfield that landed 126 ft from home plate eclipsing his cousin Dave's 125 ft home run way back in July.  Conversely, John uncharacteristically could only score 1 run in the 3 inning game.

Homers:  Steve (John's Dad) 1, John 1, Steve M. 1 (Grand Slam)

Friday's Scoreboard:

Steve M. 5
Steve (John's Dad) 2
John 1
Rick 0*

*In defense of all the batters we moved the ground single line back to the double line so quite a few hits were 'lost' but it seemed to balance out the scoring pretty nicely.

 Home Run Leader Board - updated 10-11-13
John - 10
Daryl - 5
Steve M - 5
Rich D. - 4
Rick G. - 4
Joe - 3
Bill L. - 2
Russ - 1
David - 2
Chuck - 1
Ben - 1
Steve (John's Dad) - 1

Next Scheduled Game:

Sunday Oct. 14, @ 4:00 PM

Sunday, 10-6-cancelled

Rick, Rich, Steve took Batting Practice.

Go Tigers!

Next Game Friday @ 4:00 PM

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10-1-13 Results & New Photos

A couple of homers tonight by none other than our home run leader, John.
Final Score:

Steve 9
John 7
Bill 2
Rich 1
Hardy 0

It took a few pitches but Bill was back in the groove after a batter or two.  Had the curve going and plenty of speed.

 Home Run Leader Board - updated 10-1-13
John - 9
Daryl - 5
Steve M - 4
Rich D. - 4
Rick G. - 4
Joe - 3
Bill L. - 2
Russ - 1
David - 2
Chuck - 1
Ben - 1

New Photos of Honey Creek on Read More